About Me
I've dabbled in many crafts during my lifetime, and many of you probably still think of me as a knitter. While I do still knit on occasion, I've put down those needles in exchange of playing with dirt.

Empty-nester to two amazing, funny, artistic boys, I've found my new passion in pottery since they've flown. While I enjoy throwing on the wheel, and I'm finally starting to see some progress and improvements, my heart is with hand-building. I love the entire process: coming up with the ideas, forming the clay, glazing it and finally firing it.
My favorite things to make are typically things that make me laugh. There are many techniques and items I make just to try them out... once. But that's part of what makes it so fun. My favorite technique is sgraffito (meaning "to scratch", where you put a layer of glaze on a piece of pottery, let it dry, then use a carving tool to scratch at it to show the base layer of color), and you'll see a lot of it in my work. I hope to continue to improve that skill.
I live in Charlotte, NC and feel pretty fortunate to have enjoyed many amazing experiences in my lifetime. By day, I train folks to use software. By night and weekend, you can typically find me in my garage studio or kitchen glazing area, listening to books on tapes, watching the same movies over and over, or listening to music.
Find your passions and enjoy them. It's all about the moments. Live them to the fullest. Be kind, but take no shit.
Thank you for your support!